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The Customer is the Planet: A handbook for sustainable business

The Customer is the Planet: A handbook for sustainable business
Our Price:  €35.00(VAT Free)

ISBNs:  9781781196366 (PB) / 6373 (PDF) / 6380 (ePub)
Year Published:  2024
Author:  Donal Daly
Hardback:  €45.00
Paperback:  €35.00
ePub ebook:  €9.95
PDF ebook:  €9.95

THE CUSTOMER IS THE PLANET is a blend of inspiration and education. Based on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards, it aims to:

  • Equip changemakers in business with the knowledge to make better choices.

  • Educate and entice others to become changemakers.

  • Empower individuals in companies who want to be changemakers to know what to do to make better (more sustainable) choices for their organisations, as individuals, in their employee groups, in their operations and supply chains, and for their customers and products.

It explains the why, what, so what, of the problem or opportunity in each key area of sustainability; followed by deep expertise, knowledge and guidance that grows awareness, increases desire to change, and equips the reader to take action, measure, report and improve.




1       The Customer is the Planet

2      Climate Change

3      Pollution

4      Water & Marine Resources

5      Biodiversity & Ecosystems

6      Materials & The Circular Economy

7      Own Workforce & Workers in the Value Chain

8      Affected Communities

9      Consumers & End-users

10     Business Conduct

11      What If…?


About the Authors

The Customer is the Planet: A handbook for sustainable business is a powerful blueprint that redefines business success by putting the planet first. The book explores urgent issues such as climate change, pollution, water resources, and biodiversity, and offers sharp insights and actionable strategies for businesses to embed sustainability at every level. With a strong focus on emerging regulatory frameworks and reporting obligations, the book is an essential resource for forward-thinking leaders committed to long-term, planet-friendly growth. A must-read for anyone serious about integrating sustainability into their business model.

ROBERTA BOSCOLO, Climate & Energy Leader, World Meteorological Organization

What an incredible book! It’s easy to read and clearly explains what’s at stake for companies in terms of sustainability, offering valuable insights on how to embark on this journey. Highly inspiring for ESG practitioners, it’s a must-read for decision-makers and employees aiming to position their company in a rapidly changing world where sustainability is crucial.

SEBASTIAN JURAS, Sustainability & Transformation Director, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

A brilliant dissection of what we are getting so very wrong in today's society and economy and how we can put it right. It brings structure and clarity to the complex amalgam of science, policy, reporting and standards that so often acts as an impediment to action. And, crucially, it puts people at the heart of the problem and the solution.

MIKE BARRY, Strategic Advisor on Sustainable Business and former Director of Sustainable Business, Marks & Spencer

A ‘how to’ handbook that is a great read for any sustainability and circular economy professional – for beginners and experts alike. It's great to see various practices, topics and new trends that we have to manage in a business on a daily basis come together in one piece. It’s an easy and practical read – and sharpens the vision: why we are all doing this. A 'purpose book' that hopefully many get to read!

HARALD TEPPER, Global Lead – Circular Economy, EcoDesign & ESG Transformation, Royal Philips

The Customer is the Planet is a must-read for any business leader serious about sustainability. It's not just a guide – it's a call to action that challenges us to rethink our impact and make meaningful changes that benefit both people and the planet.

GEOFF HUCKER, CEO & Founder, Work for Impact

If you're looking to get serious about sustainability in your business, The Customer is the Planet is the guide you need. It’s packed with practical tips and real talk on how to put the planet at the heart of what you do. Honestly, it’s a must-read if you care about making a difference while staying successful.

DAN SHERRARD-SMITH, Founder & CEO, MotherTree

The authors skilfully guide readers through the history of climate change, offering a clear explanation of its key drivers while sharing their insightful vision for the future. The Customer is the Planet provides crucial illumination for businesses navigating the increasing tide of regulations and shifting public sentiment. As a company committed to decarbonising cement, reducing the environmental footprint of steel manufacturing and aggregates processing, and conserving vital natural resources, this book has been instrumental in refining our strategic approach to an ever-evolving business landscape. The Customer is the Planet outlines a comprehensive roadmap of forthcoming laws, regulations, expectations, and enforcement, empowering business leaders to prepare effectively for the challenges ahead.

REUBEN MAXBAUER, Director, Edw. C. Levy Co.

A compelling and thorough guide to transforming every aspect of our businesses to truly reach sustainability. The Customer is the Planet also provides motivation, a moral case for change and a hopeful image of the future world we could leave our descendants. Great work.

MARK SCHRUPP, Executive Director, Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority

The Customer is the Planet is a transformative guide that flips the script on traditional business thinking, making it clear that the planet isn't just a stakeholder – it's the ultimate customer. The book masterfully illustrates how aligning with natural systems isn't just ethical; it's a strategic necessity for businesses to thrive in a world where sustainability drives success. It's a wake-up call for companies to rethink their impact and see environmental stewardship as the core of their business model. This book aligns perfectly with our ethos at Oxygen Conservation, where we believe that businesses can – and must – be a force for good. By integrating environmental considerations into every decision, companies can unlock new opportunities and contribute to a regenerative economy. The Customer is the Planet is essential reading for anyone serious about leading their business into a sustainable future.

RICH STOCKDALE, Ph.D., Founder & CEO, Oxygen Conservation

The Customer is the Planet will help you navigate a path from why, to what if, to how might we? The book gives you space to really think about what’s possible and the confidence that together we can shape a much better world where everyone and everything thrives.


The Customer is the Planet is not just a book; it is a manifesto calling on us to act with urgency and hope for our environment. As a repository of insightful contributions from leading sustainability thought-leaders, this book stands as a beacon of inspiration. It underscores that the journey towards sustainability isn't just about individual action but about global collaboration. At, we resonate deeply with this message, seeing it reflected in the dedication of our global community who look up to these thought-leaders for guidance and example. This extraordinary book serves not only as a message of hope but as a profound symbol of collaborative potential across countries and topics, united in a singular mission for our planet. 

ANDREA GORI, Founder & CEO, Illuminem

An innovative sustainability book structured around the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) framework. Renowned interdisciplinary experts connect together their pieces of knowledge and experience, offering us an enlightened vision of the sustainability challenges and ways to act. An inspiration for anyone leading or supporting businesses through their sustainable transition.


I read the book with a very open mind. Daily, I am developing biobased construction-materials, and there is no doubt that we have to shift from the oil-based to a bio-based economy. This book is a fantastic guide to help businesses transition and find a balance between a healthy planet and a future for us and our next generations. 


At long last, a book has emerged that captures the essence of a truly Earth-centric perspective: The Customer is the Planet is a guerilla guide for world changers, impact entrepreneurs, and passionate activists. Collaboratively penned by 17 visionary thought-leaders, it generously delves into every crucial sustainability concept, illuminating them with clear examples. Now every adventurer eager to shape a sustainable future has a navigation map.

STEFAAN VANDIST, author & keynote speaker; Senior Storytelling Coach, We Are Impact Collective

The Customer Is the Planet is a book that truly understands the challenges faced by sustainability leaders today, offering a timely shift in focus from carbon to ecosystems, nature, and biodiversity. The authors provide practical strategies to help business leaders consider their reliance on the more-than-human world, and how to reconcile this crucial relationship.

LARA BIRKES, former Chief Sustainability Officer, Hewlett Packard Enterprise; Sonder Inc., Director of Strategic Partnerships & Initiatives, Virgin Unite, Biomimicry enthusiast, ESG advisor, board member, and wildlife advocate

At a perplexing and worrying time, we at last get a single powerful book that brings together everything that a genuinely sustainable business should think about and act on. It’s all here: personal insights, deep expertise, clear explanations and, above all, the reassuring sense that sympathetic hands are guiding and nudging us towards a safer pathway.

DAVID SHUKMAN, Science Editor, BBC News, turned independent consultant, speaker and moderator

Now more than ever, sustainability is becoming a moral imperative. I am honoured to provide a testimonial for this book. Referencing the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) as guiding principles, The Customer is the Planet takes us on a journey through key sustainability topics to a key message: the planet is our first and ultimate customer and stakeholder. Through thought-provoking questions and frameworks, the authors use storytelling to inspire us to live a truly sustainable life with our planet. Whether you are a seasoned sustainability professional or a newcomer, there is something you can learn from this book. The collective effort of The Customer is the Planet is a stark reminder of what we need now the most: a collective effort to curb carbon emissions, reverse climate change and set ourselves on a path of true sustainability.

GIULIA MARZETTI, former European Commission Policy Officer and TEDx Speaker


Donal Daly

Donal is co-founder and CEO of Future Planet, an AI-based sustainability software company.  Prior to Future Planet, he founded five global software companies that together served more than two million users in corporations around the world.

A graduate of University College Cork (Engineering) and KU Leuven, Belgium (SDGs), he has been a strategic advisor to the Irish Government in technology and sustainability and is author of multiple Amazon #1 Bestsellers.

Donal founded the Altify Foundation, a charitable and volunteer programme and is a long-term supporter of human-rights and social enterprises. As Entrepreneur-in-Residence in UCC, he mentors emerging businesses, particularly in the area of sustainability and green-tech.  


Ingrid De Doncker

With more than two decades of pioneering work in sustainable procurement and supply chain management, Ingrid De Doncker has significantly advanced global sustainability initiatives.

As the cofounder and Head of Research and Innovation at Future Planet, she plays a crucial role in an ESG team that developed a platform that empowers organisations to create and implement robust sustainability strategies by structuring and managing their ESG data to effectively track and measure metrics, auto-generating transformation plans, and ensuring compliance with CSRD requirements.

A sought-after speaker both nationally and internationally, Ingrid is a lecturer at three of Ireland's universities. Her inclusive leadership and innovative approach to sustainability has earned widespread recognition, including the prestigious Irish Times Innovation Award in 2022. Ingrid's extensive advisory work on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues across numerous organisations, along with her expertise in public and private procurement in Ireland and Europe, underscores her significant contribution to promoting responsible business practices and sustainable procurement.


David Carlin

David Carlin is an acknowledged authority on climate change and its implications for the financial system. He is the founder of Cambium Global Solutions, an advisor to governments, corporates, and financial institutions on climate and ESG topics.

He has authored numerous reports that provide practical tools for financial actors looking to address climate change and has run capacity-building programmes for financial institutions and supervisors around the world.

David led the creation of UN Environment Programme’s Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)’s Risk Centre as the head of Risk. Over the past years, he has worked with over 100 global banks, investors, and insurers on climate scenarios, climate risk assessments, and climate governance.

He is an advisor to UNEP FI’s TNFD pilot program on nature and biodiversity related risks as well as the Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA). He has also been a technical advisor to the Glasgow Financial Alliances for Net Zero (GFANZ). David is also a contributor to Forbes and a senior associate at Cambridge’s Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) as well as a visiting fellow at King’s College London.

David has worked as a Principal in Finance, Risk, and Public Policy for Oliver Wyman and in Model Risk Management for PNC Bank. His background is in quantitative modelling and decision science.


Carlos Terol

Carlos has been on a changemaker journey for over 10 years, passionate about inspiring people to create a positive impact in the world.

Carlos is the Founder of Good Ripple, a global platform to connect changemakers that has grown from zero to 3,200+ members from 104 countries in 18 months. He is also a Climate Fresk Facilitator, a Speaker and a Top Corporate Sustainability Voice on LinkedIn with over 30,000 followers.


Harald Friedl

Harald is an internationally renowned circular economist. He is advising the United Nations in several countries and is working with top companies on their road towards circularity.

Harald has co-initiated the global yearly “Circularity Gap Report”, one of the most referenced publications in the field of circular economy. Harald has extensive consulting experience as  CEO of the do-tank Circle Economy in Amsterdam.

He spearheaded the circular transition in his home country, Austria, when he served as Circular Economy Accelerator for the Austrian Government in 2022.


Elena Doms

Elena Doms was born and raised in the Arctic. Throughout her career she led a social impact youth NGO and worked as a Director at Mastercard, merging digital and sustainable transformations. Seeing her childhood home melt away and becoming a mother inspired Elena to quit her corporate job in search for impact.

In partnership with C-biotech, she launched +EARTH+ with a crazy bold mission: To create the largest Soil & CO2 cleanup with nature. +EARTH+ is an award-winning start-up that works with scientists, technology companies, industry, farmers and cities on restoring soils with plants. These plants are then turned into circular construction materials that help decarbonize our cities.

Elena is also a LinkedIn Top Green Voice, helping educate and inspire others for climate action. A sustainability keynote speaker and storyteller, who gathered audiences up to 4,500 people. An Arctic Artist, who paints icebergs and Northern Lights, sharing the beauty and the tales of the polar regions. And an Ambassador of Habitats Foundation, helping restore biodiversity.


Dr William Beer

Dr William Beer is the Owner and Founder of Tunley Environmental and is responsible for the overall strategy and growth of the business. Will is obsessed with continuous improvement and takes pride in managing and adapting to change across all departments of Tunley Environmental.

Being the “smartest person in the room” gives you nothing so Will surrounds himself by people who, in his words, are “better than him” to ensure the Tunley Environmental continues to improve its service competencies. Learning from others has, and continues to be a critical success factor in Tunley Environmental's growth.

With a professional background in multi-departmental transformation and an academic background in advanced full factorials, large datasets and combustion modelling, Will continues to apply innovation, change management and exploration skills to his role as the CEO of Tunley Environmental.


T.A.O. Garraty

Tara Garraty, BSc, MSc Conservation Biology, PhD Conservation Biology (Pending), is a seasoned sustainability and conservation scientist with a specialised background in ecology and conservation biology.

Tara holds a BSc and MSc degree in Conservation Biology, focusing on ecosystem services and ecosystem health, and is in the process of submitting her PhD in Conservation Biology, titled “An Ecological Model: Quantifying Links Between Biodiversity, Hydrological Events, and Climate Change within the Peruvian Amazon,” which focus on the impacts on biodiversity in a changing climate. 

Tara’s career has concentrated on research and education in tropical and marine conservation, climate change, sustainability science, ecosystem function, biodiversity, and general ecology. Her in-depth research, which includes extensive statistical ecological and climatic modelling, offers a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of climate change on crucial tropical ecosystems.

Driven by her passion for preserving the planet,  her main career goals are to contribute towards global conservation and sustainability objectives, educate public platforms on essential environmental issues, and promote sustainable practices through fieldwork, education, and research.


Oliver Dauert

Oliver Dauert is the founder & CEO of Wildya. In his role, he leads the strategy and business execution of the start-up. 

He is a LinkedIn Top Green Voice & passionate biodiversity builder. Additionally, Oliver manages a business consulting agency for biodiversity businesses and NGOs (Wild Business Mates). 

Prior to Wildya, Oliver worked in travel tech for Evaneos (B-Corp), managing transformative projects during the COVID crisis. As well as working in mobility tech (Moovel by Daimler), e-commerce (Saltwater Shop) & non-profit industry (Red Rhino Society/ESN).


Marije De Roos

Marije de Roos, AKA The Circular Fashion Detective, is a Dutch economist turned circular fashion pioneer. Her mission is to make landfills obsolete and hence she has developed a passion for materials and supply chains.

Marije’s startup Positive Fibers® combines science, design, and technology to put the ECO into eCommerce one positive product at a time. She is also the author of the forthcoming book Farm-to-Fashion, which helps fashion professionals to make truly circular fashion and lifestyle products that do more good than harm to the environment and people in the supply chains. 


Elin Bergman

Elin Bergman is known for being Sweden's "circular economy queen", is named LinkedIn Top Green Voice and is a recognized international keynote speaker.

She works as a Circular Impact Officer and spokesperson of the Swedish circular economy network Cradlenet, and is also one of the co-founders of the Nordic Circular Hotspot, a collaboration platform for accelerating circular economy in the region.

Elin has also recently become a Founding Member of the Circular Economy Coalition - an international coalition of value-aligned individuals and organisations collectively advancing the circular economy through shared tools and resources, bridging the Global North and Global South. For many years she worked as WWF Sweden’s circular economy expert, where she developed the international circular economy network Baltic Stewardship Initiative, to enable the recirculation of nutrients in the Baltic Sea region in the agri-food sector.


Anna Triponel

Anna Triponel is an internationally renowned business, human rights and climate expert and founder and CEO of Human Level. Over the past decade, she has travelled the globe to advise hundreds of companies – as well as their investors and lawyers – on what it means to take a people-centred approach to business. Anna advises companies on human rights strategies, weaving human rights into climate strategies and just transition, and ways to adapt business models to be future fit. 

She is an Advisor to Board members, VPs and General Counsels, and is a regular keynote speaker and featured commentator in the media. Anna is a Mediator for OECD National Contact Point instances, an International Human Rights Expert for a range of operational-level grievance mechanisms and sits on a number of advisory committees. She has lived and/or worked in the majority of countries on the African continent, running human rights impact assessment and stakeholder empowerment processes.

As a consultant at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, she worked with John Ruggie on the development of the 2011 UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. As Senior Advisor at the leading centre of expertise on the UNGPs Shift, she played an instrumental role in the development of the 2015 UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework.

She has been a corporate lawyer in New York at Jones Day, an international human rights lawyer working across Africa and Asia at pro bonoNobel Peace Prize nominee firm PILPG, and a development lawyer in Washington DC at the World Bank. She holds three bars as a lawyer (New York, England & Wales, France – currently non-practising lawyer). Degrees include an LL.M. in International Law (American University Washington College of Law); Masters degree in international business / human rights law (University of Paris X); Business Sustainability Management (Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership) and MBA (Essentials from London School of Economics).  


Minou Schillings

"If you never change your mind, why have one". This quote by E. De Bono best describes Minou's approach in a nutshell. As a Regenerative Transition Facilitator, Imagination Activist and Community Weaver, Minou invites and enables business leaders, founders and intrapreneurs to (un)learn business as usual, imagine radically different futures and transform to become stewards for regeneration.

Minou, born and raised in a forested area of the Netherlands, has embraced a slow nomadic life grounded in travelling and community living for the last 8 years. She chooses collaboration over competition and the train over a corner office.  Minou's Dutch roots ensure you're in for a direct, no-nonsense, and Down-To-Gaia experience. She's a disarming speaker on a mission to make the complex accessible, the unimaginable possible and the future radically different and better for all life on earth. 

With a Master's in Creativity and Innovation from the Edward De Bono Institute and a Bachelor's in Food Innovation (Malta) from HAS Green Academy (Hertogenbosch), Minou is armed with a unique skill set to lead you on a transformative journey. As a Systems thinker, guest lecturer, Keynote speaker and (un)learning experience designer, Minou holds provoking, safe, confronting and surprising spaces for businesses and individuals to transition towards regenerative thinking, leaving business-as-usual in the dust.

As the founder of The Green Sprint, author of the newsletter Shifting Horizons for Regenerative Futures, co-lead of Taste The Shift and Co-initiator of the Regenerative Marketing Movement, she commits herself with full compassion and curiosity to an experimental, collaborative, (un)learning approach to exploring pathways to regenerative futures. 

Minou has been described as the definition of positivity. Not the façade annoying positivity, but the zero-bullshit, inspiring one that not only captures your attention but also instantly puts a smile on your face. There is one simple reason she remains this positive, an unrelenting belief in the compassion, kindness and care of humans. It's not knowledge we need to unlearn, but greed, hyper-individualism and short-term thinking, deep down we do remember how to take care of life on earth.


Joy Njeri

Joy Njeri Njihia is more than just a name; it represents a commitment to spreading joy and positive change wherever I go. I come from Kenya, which has breathtaking landscapes. My journey has taken me through civil society, corporate corridors, and entrepreneurial ventures, with each chapter deepening my understanding of my mission.

With over two decades of experience, I worked with data at L'Oreal East Africa to boost profits and build small businesses. As the founder of Fruity Pap, I was instrumental in converting food waste into value for local businesses. Aside from spreadsheets, my true calling is to advocate for justice, human rights, and equality. The International Criminal Court (ICC) and Kituo Cha Sheria were my allies in this endeavour.

"Togetherness is life" is based on Kikuyu wisdom. Community fuels my belief that collective action ignites transformative change. Having a social science degree has helped me bring my philosophy into my work. 

I am currently a partner with "What Matters” and am actively working to create transformative change. I also help to create environments in which creativity and empathy thrive, and everyone, regardless of background, feels seen and valued.

My business acumen, social consciousness, and collaborative spirit fuel my collaborations with organisations and individuals, helping shape the world we want to live in.


Kowawa Kapukaja Apurinã

Kowawa Kapukaja Apurinã was born indigenous of the Apurinã ethnicity from Middle Purus in the state of Amazonas, Brazil.

Her work primarily focuses on indigenous education, environmental education, racial issues, affirmative actions, and indigenous women. She is a founding member of the Pupykary Institute of the Apurinã People, co- founder of the Brazilian Articulation of Indigenous Anthropologists (Abia), and co-founder of the Indigenous Artivism collective.

Kowawa serves as CEO of FemeNI/Fair of Black and Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs and curator/member of Ruidosa Alma/Trans Performance. She is a Ph.D. student in Anthropology at the Federal Fluminense University (UFF)/Sorbonne Paris 3, with a Bachelor’s degree in Law, a teaching degree in Visual Arts, and a Master’s degree in Anthropology, all obtained at the Federal University of Pelotas.

Kowawa also holds a Master’s degree in Education & Technology from the Sul-Rio-Grandense Federal Institute, with experience in Arts, Anthropology, Education & Law. Her research interests include indigenous peoples, violence, and indigenous ancestries.

Besides her academic pursuits, Kowawa is an artist, educator, and cultural producer.


Tiago Paes Vilas Boas

I was born in the ancestral lands of the Guarani people, once a thriving forest, now known as São Paulo State, Brazil. The country takes its name from a tree (Paubrasilia echinata) that was nearly driven to extinction within the first decades of colonization.

These lands were originally called Yby Marã E’ymam, or Land Without Sorrows. For 500 years, sorrow has entrenched itself in these lands, and peace has been elusive. In my youth, I realized I could not escape conflicts with the police, in my work, and with the state. The violence of colonial systems juxtaposed with the compassion of the many communities I belong to, led me to facilitate reciprocal and organic relationships between individuals, communities, and nature for more than a decade. I have sought to weave wisdom and an intercultural worldview, learning from indigenous elders around the world to facilitate processes of change, design organic solutions, and foster reciprocal and learning relationships.


Orla Carolan

Orla Carolan is Executive Director - ESG Strategy & Compliance at Future Planet since May 2024, working with clients on double materiality assessments and planning for implementing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). 

Orla has over 20 years’ experience in finance and corporate reporting roles for multinational organisations mainly in financial services. In this time Orla has managed implementation of accounting standards and more recently worked with clients on the implementation of CSRD and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).   

Orla also has experience in standard setting having worked with the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) on the ESRS development programme, experiencing first-hand how the requirements of the CSRD are being transposed into reporting requirements for organisations. 

Orla is a chartered certified accountant and regularly delivers training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to the accounting profession. She is also a part time lecturer for Chartered Accountants Ireland on their new CDP Diploma in Sustainability Reporting.